Baldur's Gate 3: Guide to Solving the Rune Puzzle in Nettie's Library


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17 Tháng một 2024
In Baldur's Gate 3, Act 1 of the story unfolds in the Emerald Grove, presenting players with numerous puzzles to solve. Among them is the rune puzzle located near a statue in Nettie's Library, offering two hidden rewards if you manage to find a special key held by a specific NPC. As with many secrets in the game, uncovering the solution involves making strategic decisions and engaging in conversations with the right characters.

To access the Emerald Grove, your party must first defeat a group of goblins attacking the gate near the Nautiloid crash. The uneasy alliance between Tiefling refugees and the Grove's druids is a significant aspect of the early story in Baldur's Gate 3. Although Act 1 is filled with hidden secrets, reaching Nettie's Library is nearly unavoidable as you embark on your adventure.

Unlocking Nettie's Library is a prerequisite for reaching the rune puzzle, and this is accomplished by following the "Remove the Parasite" quest within the Emerald Grove. At this stage of the game, every party member is on a quest to find a way to remove the Mind Flayer tadpoles from their heads. The information gathered after saving the grove from goblins provides leads on potential solutions when speaking to survivors in Baldur's Gate 3.

One notable side quest, "Finding a Cure," identifies Healer Nettie as a possible avenue for curing the rare condition. While other paths involve seeking help from the eccentric NPC Volo during a long rest in your camp or exploring the Githyanki Crèche, suggested by Lae'Zel if recruited as a companion, those eager to unravel the rune puzzle should focus on this specific quest.