Starfield: The Mathis Dilemma - Choosing Sides in the Crimson Fleet


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17 Tháng một 2024
In Starfield, the decision to side with Mathis Castillo in the Crimson Fleet presents players with a pivotal choice in the midst of the game's conflicts. Mathis, a novice pirate aspiring to join the formidable Crimson Fleet, governs vast regions of space with an authoritarian grip. Players may align themselves with the Crimson Fleet for various reasons, whether independently or as part of an infiltration mission for Starfield's United Colonies faction. In this venture, players are partnered with Mathis for a crucial mission.

In the quest "Echoes of the Past," Crimson Fleet leader Delgado assigns the player character the task of securing The Lock, an abandoned prison on the surface of Suvorov. Delgado believes that Jasper Kryx, the Crimson Fleet's founder, may have left a clue about the whereabouts of his treasure hoard during his imprisonment. While the pursuit of Kryx's Legacy forms the core of the Crimson Fleet's quest line, Delgado's mission is also a test for Mathis, the aspiring pirate with his own agenda.

Throughout "Echoes of the Past," Mathis persistently broaches the idea of committing mutiny against Delgado and seizing control of the Crimson Fleet. Regardless of the player character's response—whether they agree or decline—Mathis's plans unfold. If the player rejects his proposal, Mathis may be momentarily hurt, but trust can be rebuilt later. Conversely, if they agree, Mathis ultimately admits his reluctance to pursue such a perilous path and willingly becomes a dutiful member of the Crimson Fleet.

Choosing to side with Mathis holds no adverse consequences, as it doesn't commit players to betraying Delgado and may even unlock significant benefits in the future. While Mathis may not be a paragon of virtue, he possesses capability and a degree of sincerity. Opposing Mathis only leads to his displeasure, and while declining to partake in his mutiny plan doesn't permanently sour relations, continued opposition can incur his wrath. The choice ultimately hinges on navigating the complex dynamics within the Crimson Fleet and weighing the potential rewards against the risks involved.